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Walter and Willy Go to the City - Bonnie Grubman (Auteur) | 
Judi Abbot 

Walter and Willy Go to the City

Bonnie Grubman (Auteur) | Judi Abbot (Illustrator)

Hard-cover 15,95 15,95excl. 3,95 verzendkosten NL
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A funny book about never being afraid and about feeling a little bit scared sometimes. For brave adventurers ages 5 years and up.

Walter and Willy are best friends. Willy isn’t afraid of anything, but Walter is always cautious. One day Willy takes Walter on a big adventure in the city. The big buildings and strange sounds make Walter nervous, but a visit to Willy’s favorite restaurant makes the trip worthwhile.

ISBN: 9781605376042

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