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The little book of Agile Wisdom - Anton Podokschik 

The little book of Agile Wisdom

Anton Podokschik (Auteur)

Paperback 19,95 19,95excl. 3,95 verzendkosten NL
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Agile practices have become the backbone of large companies, but Scrum Masters often grapple with the challenge of establishing and sustaining high performance. That's where this book comes in: The Little Book of Agile Wisdom is a distinctive and practical guide tailored for Scrum Masters and passionate Agile practitioners. Within its pages, you'll encounter 66 carefully selected quotes organized into six thematic areas. Each quote is complemented by an appropriate image and interpretation, enriched by the author's own experiences. Additionally, every quote is accompanied by a hands-on team exercise, bridging the gap between theory and tangible outcomes.

Consider this book your secret weapon for fostering a thriving Agile culture within your team. It is designed for easy consumption, allowing you to absorb valuable insights at your own pace, making it an indispensable resource for your Agile journey.

ISBN: 9789063696986

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