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Journey to the Artic - Jan Leyssens (Auteur) | 
Joachim Sneyers 

Journey to the Artic

Jan Leyssens (Auteur) | Joachim Sneyers (Illustrator)

Hard-cover 15,95 15,95excl. 3,95 verzendkosten NL
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Early twentieth century. Roald Amundsen plans to travel to the northernmost point of the globe. But after experiencing difficulties with ships and airplanes in polar regions, he needs a new method of travel. For many years, people had flown in airships. Could an airship take him to the North Pole? Would it work in such brutal cold? Eventually, Roald became the first person ever to reach both poles, but history shows it took the work of many people - and some animals! - to make his journey possible...

The fifth book in a series about scientific wonder. Dreaming, daring, thinking, and doing. For researchers ages 6 years and up.

ISBN: 9781605377407

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