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Holding Space - Aminata Cairo (Auteur) | 
Dafri Studios (Illustrator) | 
Laura Rumbley 

Holding Space

Aminata Cairo (Auteur) | Dafri Studios (Illustrator) | Laura Rumbley (Redacteur)

Paperback 24,50 24,50excl. 3,95 verzendkosten NL
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In a world in which many are suffering from being alienated from
others, from Earth and from themselves, Aminata Cairo shows us
that it is not only necessary but possible to weave relations across
the dominant differences that keeps us apart, isolated and against
others. She shows us how it is possible in practice to overcome the
seemingly insurmountable divides of race, class and gender; she
also teaches us how to cultivate love within the white walls and
lifeless instrumentality of institutions.

Not very often one has the opportunity to learn how to mentor and
work with young people. In Holding Space, Aminata Cairo holds
us to learn how to intertwine our call as educators and mentors
with our personal stories and those from whom we learned to listen
to that call. In each of the lessons that are shared in this book,
we found ourselves while sensing the sacred space that is held for
us and for the love-work that is required for that. Aminata Cairo
expands and in doing so she invites us to follow her as a teacher,
mentor, storyteller, social activist, and artist... Gran tangi Aminata
Cairo, may this be the path in which many of us converge.

Rosalba Icaza, International Institute of Social Studies
and Rolando Vázquez, University College Roosevelt

ISBN: 9789083156101

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