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Emma's First Day of School - Federico Van Lunter 

Emma's First Day of School

Federico Van Lunter (Auteur)

Hard-cover 16,95 16,95excl. 3,95 verzendkosten NL
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Today is a big day.
It’s Emma’s first day of school!
And she’s ready for it. She’s all dressed up in a suit of feathers with strong wings.
Just watch Emma fly! -

A cheerful book about daring to be yourself anywhere, anytime—even on your first day of school!
For little animals and big kids ages 3 years and up.

Maybe deep down you’re a tiger. Or a monkey!
And maybe you can fly like a flamingo or jump like a cat.
Furry Friends helps you discover how unique you are and how wonderful it is just to be you.
Everyone is different... but who are you?

ISBN: 9781605377834

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