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Climb a Giraffe - Adam Ciccio (Auteur) | 
Yuke Li 

Climb a Giraffe

Adam Ciccio (Auteur) | Yuke Li (Illustrator)

Hard-cover 15,95 15,95excl. 3,95 verzendkosten NL
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An adventurous book about following the rules, but also about fantasizing to your heart's content. For dreamers ages 5 years and up.

Sometimes a kid hears lots of rules . . . lots of don’t do this! or don’t do that! What happens when you just want to explore the world? There are so many things to do, like digging for lost treasure, visiting Mars, and dancing with peacocks too. Adventure awaits as we explore all the adventures one can have—you can even climb a giraffe!

ISBN: 9781605376493

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