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Ultra Powerful Metabolism - Frank Suarez (Auteur) | 
Xiomara Acobes-Lozada 

Ultra Powerful Metabolism

Frank Suarez (Auteur) | Xiomara Acobes-Lozada (Redacteur)

Paperback 24,95 24,95excl. 3,95 verzendkosten NL
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Frank Suárez, author of the books The Power of Your Metabolism and Problem-Free Diabetes, overcame his own obesity and has helped thousands of people lose weight and control diabetes without excess medication. He created the NaturalSlim® System, which operates in nine countries and where, with his Metabolism Consultants, he helps thousands of people overcome the main cause of overweight and obesity: slow metabolism.

Frank pursues his research and continually shares his discoveries through his educational channel MetabolismoTV, where he has over a thousand videos on metabolism and health topics. MetabolismoTV is viewed by more than seven million people each month, worldwide.

With the creation of his 3x1 Diet® he has revolutionized the field of diets, allowing people to slim down and improve their health and energy, without starving and enjoying all kinds of foods.

The practical advice, the correct diet to raise metabolism and the habits of the thousands of people who have slimmed down with his help, are now here for you.

ISBN: 9789082868333

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