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The Exceptionally Simple Theory of Sketching - Extended Edition... - George Hlavács 

The Exceptionally Simple Theory of Sketching - Extended Edition...

George Hlavács (Auteur)

Paperback 16,99 16,99excl. 3,95 verzendkosten NL
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What if you could master the art of sketching in just a few days?

Most people usually think that professional sketching is a complex and difficult process.

However, with this book you will see that even the most complex sketches are just a structure of very simple, yet confidently drawn segments built on each other. It shows which features make drawings look professional and how you can implement those in your own sketches.

This Extended Edition of the previous hit - Exceptionally Simple Theory of Sketching - provides a very short course that teaches you in a very simple way how to make your sketches look amazing!

ISBN: 9789063696405

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