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Moving Questions - Siets Bakker (Auteur) | 
Natasha Barton 

Moving Questions

Siets Bakker (Auteur) | Natasha Barton (Redacteur)

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Stop working hard to resolve problems. Particularly those problems that keep returning, but in a different form. Look for the reason why the problem in question is a good solution. Discover what’s blocked. Moving Questions help you to do this.

By asking Moving Questions, you introduce movement to situations that are stuck. Both professionally and personally. For you and other people. By asking questions such as: Who does this problem belong to? Is it yours or does it belong somewhere else? Or: Where does the permission for movement need to come from? And: What do you lose once you no longer have this problem?

Step-by-step, this book teaches you how to ask Moving Questions. It provides you with ready-prepared Moving Questions. It also teaches you how to formulate your own Moving Questions. And how to ask the question in such a way that it’s moving.

As an organisation consultant, Siets Bakker (1973) has guided numerous executive boards and management teams through their change issues. She is a forerunner in the field of applied systemic work. Siets is trained to facilitate family and organisational constellations, but is much more interested in finding practical ways to apply systemic knowledge to everyday life. The book, Moving Questions, is the product of her knowledge and expertise.

ISBN: 9789492331618

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