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Little Suns on Earth - Pablo Cabado 

Little Suns on Earth

Pablo Cabado (Auteur)

Paperback 40,00 40,00excl. 3,95 verzendkosten NL
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After World War II, President Juan Perón of Argentina had Germans with particular military and technological expertise secretly smuggled into the country. Among them was the Austrian-born scientist Ronald Richter, who convinced Perón about the feasibility of generating unlimited energy through nuclear fusion. He received massive funding to build an experimental reactor on Huemel Island in Patagonia, but the project came to an abrupt end three years later. In this volume, visual artist Pablo Cabado makes this history tangible through tritone photographs depicting a slow exploration of the now deserted island. With a comprehensive essay by historian Diego Castelfranco.

ISBN: 9789492051981

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