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Life in Five Senses - Rubin, Gretchen 

Life in Five Senses

Rubin, Gretchen (Auteur)

Paperback 25,95 25,95excl. 3,95 verzendkosten NL
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Internationally bestselling author Gretchen Rubin's tour of the five senses, finding happiness through sight, sound, touch, taste and scent.
The #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Happiness Project turns to the five senses.

Gretchen Rubin has studied happiness and human nature for more than a decade, but as she became increasingly busy and stuck in her head, she didn't notice the sensations of life quietly fading. In this journey of self-experimentation, she lifts herself from a state of foggy preoccupation into a rediscovered world by exploring the mysteries and joys of the five senses.

Drawing on cutting-edge science, philosophy, literature and her own efforts to practice what she learns, Rubin investigates the profound power of tuning in to the physical world. From the simple pleasures of appreciating ketchup and curating a playlist of her favourite songs, to more adventurous daily rituals, excursions and a trip to Flavour University. In the rush of daily life, she finds that our five senses offer us a path to a happier, more mindful life

Life in Five Senses is an absorbing, layered story of discovery filled with profound insights and practical suggestions on how to heighten our senses and use our powers of perception to live fuller, richer lives - and, ultimately, how to move through the world with more vitality and love.

ISBN: 9781529376371

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