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L.A. Vedute - Thomas Locke Hobbs 

L.A. Vedute

Thomas Locke Hobbs (Auteur)

Paperback 32,00 32,00excl. 3,95 verzendkosten NL
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L.A. Vedute by Thomas Locke Hobbs (US) is a documentary study of domestic architecture in the city of Los Angeles. Standing on the property line of two apartment buildings with adjacent driveways, the space in between reminded Hobbs of a painting: The Ideal City of Urbino, where the illusion of space is achieved when receding lines that establish spatial relationships converge at a central vanishing point.

The work presents the way shared spaces recede to a common vanishing point, largely unpopulated and deserted, like movie sets where actors have disappeared. L.A. Vedute exposes the veins of a city, in conflict and coexistence, with a poetic obliviousness: metaphors of alienation.

ISBN: 9789492051868

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