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Fort Hoofddorp: Strategic Interventions... - Kirsten Hannema (Auteur) | 
Hans Ibelings (Auteur) | 
Jolanthe Kugler 

Fort Hoofddorp: Strategic Interventions...

Kirsten Hannema (Auteur) | Hans Ibelings (Auteur) | Jolanthe Kugler (Auteur)

Paperback 25,00 25,00excl. 3,95 verzendkosten NL
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An evocative photo book with three essays documenting the careful transformation of the nineteenth-century Fort Hoofddorp, part of the Amsterdam Defence Line. The strategic interventions of architect Serge Schoemaker are captured in the photos of Max Hart Nibbrig and described in the contributions of Kirsten Hannema, Hans Ibelings, and Jolanthe Kugler.

ISBN: 9789492058126

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