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Event Horizon -- l'Horizon des  Événements... - Stéphanie Roland 

Event Horizon -- l'Horizon des Événements...

Stéphanie Roland (Auteur)

Paperback 30,00 30,00excl. 3,95 verzendkosten NL
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Event Horizon is constructed as a fictional narrative that immerses the reader in a nocturnal and mysterious atmosphere of anticipation. Instead of the carefree, light-heartedness with which one would usually associate childhood, Roland (BE) shows the gravity and mysteries that this period of life also involves. She depicts frozen and absent children as well as their ‘mental images’. Visions of the future, ­disturbing memories and strange dreams from the subconscious. A singular world where a magic ball can become an unidentified planet, a horse floats in the night sky and an astronaut is lost on a construction site. Both utopian and dystopian, this project has become a playing field of multiple photographic experiments.

ISBN: 9789492051455

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